
The Ultimate Cycling Comeback

Conquer long distances on Your Bike!

Apr. 20, 2023 -

In preparation for this year’s Fietselfstedentocht (236KM), I took my bike and set out for an adventurous ride through half of the Netherlands. It was my first long distance ride after being infected with COVID. If you're considering a long-distance ride yourself, be sure to read along to discover invaluable tips and tricks from my experience.

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Maasduinen National Park in Limburg
Maasduinen National Park in Limburg
Link your bike computer to your phone to be able to receive messages of support from family and friends
Link your bike computer to your phone to be able to receive messages of support from family and friends
My heart rate during the 10 hour ride from Amsterdam to Hegelsom: note how I kept my heart rate relatively low during the first few hours!
My heart rate during the 10 hour ride from Amsterdam to Hegelsom: note how I kept my heart rate relatively low during the first few hours!
Hello Amsterdam! Made it all the way!
Hello Amsterdam! Made it all the way!
I prepared my bike for a new season of cycling with fresh rubber and headset bearings
I prepared my bike for a new season of cycling with fresh rubber and headset bearings
Look who's WHOOP's #1 of The Netherlands in terms of strain! Euphoria!
Look who's WHOOP's #1 of The Netherlands in terms of strain! Euphoria!

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