
Training, Endurance, and WHOOP

An Analysis of WHOOP Trend Data

May 31, 2023 -

This Monday I completed 235KM on my fixed gear bike during the Fietselfstedentocht 2023. It was a nice ride with fair weather and favourable wind conditions. Yet, I took the challenge seriously and prepared myself with some proper training. In this post I'll have a look at the trend data from my WHOOP in preparation for the Elfstedentocht.

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... as a trained cyclist this ride data is not good: heart rate of 180BPM at an average speed of 22KM/h - this is 'the COVID effect' on my body - MISERABLE DELUXE
... as a trained cyclist this ride data is not good: heart rate of 180BPM at an average speed of 22KM/h - this is 'the COVID effect' on my body - MISERABLE DELUXE
Garmin's highly detailed data from the Edge 1030 Plus includes: heart rate, power, location, respiratory rate, pedal balance, cadence, temperature and distance
Garmin's highly detailed data from the Edge 1030 Plus includes: heart rate, power, location, respiratory rate, pedal balance, cadence, temperature and distance
Last few months I picked up the pace, taking on more
Last few months I picked up the pace, taking on more "strain" (that is WHOOP-parlance for 'training effort')
Kevin (brother), me and Rob (brother in law) at the finish!
Kevin (brother), me and Rob (brother in law) at the finish!
Through the Frisian country side during the Fietselfstedentocht 2023
Through the Frisian country side during the Fietselfstedentocht 2023
My (early morning) resting heart rate is going down, too! It inversely correlates with my HRV going up. Some nights dip into the low 50's, high 40's - I am getting back into shape!
My (early morning) resting heart rate is going down, too! It inversely correlates with my HRV going up. Some nights dip into the low 50's, high 40's - I am getting back into shape!

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