
Vision Pro

A New Era for Task Efficiency and Deep Concentration

Feb. 16, 2024 -

Currently, I am overlooking a lake at Mount Hood while writing this. I hear birds in the distance and see the lake calm, with subtle waves and some mist in the distance. Yet, it is fake, as I am sitting on our top floor, a barely furnished room full of items belonging to a family house with two young kids. I am using Apple's Vision Pro to explore what Spatial Computing can be. I am in awe; let me explain in this blog post.

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The 'smallest' window from above is in fact very large; for comparison of scale, I removed the virtual moon surface so you can see the window next to my little daughter's shoes.
The 'smallest' window from above is in fact very large; for comparison of scale, I removed the virtual moon surface so you can see the window next to my little daughter's shoes.
Not that crazy: display, keyboard, trackpad (note the hovering piece of UI above the hardware keyboard)
Not that crazy: display, keyboard, trackpad (note the hovering piece of UI above the hardware keyboard)
Writing this blog post at Mount Hood...
Writing this blog post at Mount Hood...
You can easily arrange a multi-monitor work setup like this
You can easily arrange a multi-monitor work setup like this
Hello World - a selfie of sorts
Hello World - a selfie of sorts
It is hard to capture in a 2D photo, but for your eyes, there is real depth in the setup, like those two screens are really there
It is hard to capture in a 2D photo, but for your eyes, there is real depth in the setup, like those two screens are really there

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