Contact Willem L. Middelkoop
Given my demanding roles as professional and father, I try as much as possible to dedicate the time left over to the deep work of actually getting things done. Accordingly, I am harder to reach than most folks and I don't use any social media.
Below are the ways you can still reach me, along with some relevant instructions.
One of the amazing things about my blog is that readers from all over the world send me links to articles, books, pages and things that my readers think might interest me. I love this! Please keep sending them to blog@willem.com. I am not interested in link exchanging or publishing guest posts.
Note: I really appreciate these messages, but due to time constraints, I am usually not able to respond.
As a friend once said: "Talking about work is not the same as doing it." Therefore, availability by phone is exclusive to existing customers, friends and family.
With millions of downloads, I receive thousands of app related emails. Please do not contact me for:
- app monetisation offers
- purchasing my apps or app portfolio
For anything else related to apps, including interviews and media requests, contact dsd 164 B.V. at info@dsd164.com.
If you need to ask me anything else, you can send an email to question@willem.com
Note: I really appreciate the interest in my expertise and services, but due to time constraints, I am usually not able to respond if your message lacks a clear question!