Podcast Downloader
A Simple, Open-Source RSS Podcast Fetcher
Tired of being constantly nudged toward "more relevant content", I built a script to break free from commercial or closed-source podcast apps. I just wanted a tool that quietly grabs my favorite shows—no fuss, no tracking, no extras. Read this post to learn more; it's free/libre software under GPLv3.

Modern apps are optimised for engagement, with patterns to keep you tapping into more content you might like - I hate this. They push recommendations, promotions, or what the app developer wants discovered, overshadowing my own library and nudging me away from my original choices.
So I wrote podcast-downloader, a small Bash script under the GPLv3 license. It uses common GNU/Linux utilities to fetch podcasts from an RSS feed and optionally tag metadata.
Key Features
- RSS-based: Provide any valid RSS feed URL; the script downloads audio files specified in enclosure-tags.
- Simple Usage: Just run one command; no extra packages needed (optional id3v2 for tagging).
- Cron-Friendly: Perfect for adding to your crontab—automated daily or weekly downloads.
- Open-Source: Available as free software under GPLv3. Fork it, modify it, and share improvements.
You can find the code, full instructions, and more details here: https://source.willem.com/podcast-downloader/ In a nutshell:
- Download the script from https://source.willem.com/podcast-downloader/podcast-downloader.sh
- Make it executable: chmod +x podcast-downloader.sh
- Specify your feed, download directory, and optional album name: ./podcast-downloader.sh -u "https://example.com/podcast.rss" -d "/path/to/download" -a "My Podcast Album"
- Schedule in crontab if you want regular downloads.
Enjoy an ad-free, suggestion-free, and completely free-as-in-freedom podcast experience! Feedback and contributions are welcome.

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