
The modern Swatchmobile

Driving the Smart Electric Drive (EQ fortwo)

Nov. 16, 2018 -

Earlier this month I drove around town for a week in an electric vehicle, a brand new Smart Electric Drive (EQ fortwo). I used it to commute, for my daily groceries and to visit family, friends and customers. What's it like to drive a fully electric car on a daily basis?

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Smart fortwo cabrio in green
Smart fortwo cabrio in green
Smart EQ fortwo (with full electric drive)
Smart EQ fortwo (with full electric drive)
The smart cockpit - with lots of buttons
The smart cockpit - with lots of buttons
Creatively parking the car
Creatively parking the car
Micro Compact Car (MCC) from 1994
Micro Compact Car (MCC) from 1994
Electric drive train inside the Smart EQ
Electric drive train inside the Smart EQ

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