
Linux tablet computer

Installing and modifying Debian GNU/Linux on Surface tablet

Mar. 9, 2020 -

For some years now I use a tablet as main computer, I like its versatility. But, most tablets come with a locked down operating system, like iPadOS, Windows 10S or Android. As I like things my own (weird) way, I wondered if I could escape these "software jails" by installing a free operating system on a tablet. It's possible, read along to find out how I escaped!

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Compiling my customised Linux kernel
Installation in progress - note the connected network cable
Installation in progress - note the connected network cable
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Reading an article on my tablet in portrait mode
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Compiling the Linux kernel on a Surface Go takes some hours
Debian GNU/Linux Installer Menu on Surface Go - happy me
Debian GNU/Linux Installer Menu on Surface Go - happy me

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