
Linux ultra portable tablet with pen input and hardware keyboard

Installing and modifying Debian GNU/Linux on tablet computer

Mar. 9, 2020 -

For some years now I use a tablet as main computer, I like its versatility. But, most tablets come with a locked down operating system, like iPadOS, Windows 10S or Android. As I like things my own (weird) way, I wondered if I could escape these "software jails" by installing a free operating system on a tablet. It's possible, read along to find out how I escaped!

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It might take some time, be patient or take photos :-)
It might take some time, be patient or take photos :-)
Debian GNU/Linux - The universal operating system
Debian GNU/Linux - The universal operating system
Choose "Linpus Lite" to boot the installer
You can use another computer to create a bootable USB stick, I used my ThinkPad X1
You can use another computer to create a bootable USB stick, I used my ThinkPad X1
Note the many firmware updates, you can only install them from Windows
Note the many firmware updates, you can only install them from Windows
Missing firmware renders hardware unusable during installation
Missing firmware renders hardware unusable during installation

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