
Swimming on Willem's Blog

Health and fitness data

Is more better?

Jan. 16, 2024
Exploring the balance between health data and intuition, this blog post delves into how personal well-being and fitness goals shape our relationship with technology and self-awareness.

Since the start of this new year I am working out harder than the previous months. I have set some goals for myself and have taken on a training scheme incorporating running, cycling and swimming. As I sift through the growing mountain of workout data, I find myself questioning: does having more data truly translate to better fitness outcomes?

Do amazing things with a focused mind

Taking an ice bath and swimming in the Amstel river

Dec. 6, 2018
Read about my experience during the workshop I got as a birth day present involving the Wim Hof Method.

Just when the temperature was a low 2° Celsius, I jumped in the Amstel river! While it was nearly freezing outside I went for a swim, just moments after I've taken an ice bath! This post is about the incredible birthday present I got, a workshop involving the Wim Hof Method.

Swimming and cycling with Apple Watch

Different activities in the workout app in watchOS

Sep. 27, 2018
This month I tested the newest watchOS while swimming and cycling.

This month Apple launched a new Apple Watch series and released an update to watchOS. The focus of the smartwatch is more and more gearing towards health and fitness. This made me curious, how well does Apple Watch work for different activities?

All blog posts
Wim Hof Method (source: wimhofmethod.com)
Wim Hof Method (source: wimhofmethod.com)
Not your typical hot tub... taking an ice bath!
Not your typical hot tub... taking an ice bath!
Wim Hof in ice blocks wearing sensors
Wim Hof in ice blocks wearing sensors
Some fancy detailed data - but what does it mean?
Some fancy detailed data - but what does it mean?
Double strapping in the name of Science: Biostrap and Apple Watch on my wrist
Double strapping in the name of Science: Biostrap and Apple Watch on my wrist
Riding my bike with Apple Watch
Riding my bike with Apple Watch
Cycling with Apple Watch using the Workout app
Cycling with Apple Watch using the Workout app
Me learning to run as captured by CCTV
Me learning to run as captured by CCTV
Bart Biermans' ice man training in Amsterdam (source: icemantrainingen.nl)
Bart Biermans' ice man training in Amsterdam (source: icemantrainingen.nl)
Apple Watch summary screen after swimming
Apple Watch summary screen after swimming
Swimming with Apple Watch (shot with iPhone)
Swimming with Apple Watch (shot with iPhone)
Swimming with Apple Watch using the Workout app
Swimming with Apple Watch using the Workout app

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